Friday, September 28, 2012

More Bears! and Cat Secrets

 More Bears
By Kenn Nesbitt
Sourcebooks, Nov 2010
Hardcover, 32 pages
Rating: 5 Bites. More bears please!

"Once upon a time there was a story. It was a lovely story with absolutely NO BEARS in it—not a SINGLE BEAR anywhere."

If you haven't read this book-stop everything you're doing and go get it. The book is about an author who's writing a book that has no bears in it. Or does it? What?

Love this book. Kids will love it. LOVE it. AND the book is cheaper from Sourcebooks! They have some cheap titles there that are better priced than Amazon (though for me it says there's $6 shipping). So if you buy a few it would be "so worth it!" Oh if I were made of money!

More Bears will be one that is loved for sure!

Cat Secrets
By Jef Czekaj
Balzer and Bray, Jan 2011
Hardcover, 32 pages
Rating: 5 Bites

"I'm sorry—this book is not for you. This book is for CATS ONLY.
What's that you say?
You are a cat?
Okay . . . get ready to prove it!"

You know those books that are perfect for bedtime. Well this one is perfect for naptime. Interactive. And fun. See how well you can pretend you're a cat! And while you're at it...take a nap.

Both books I really liked. We actually have the More Bears one from (paperback from Scholastic) and we got Cat Secrets from the library. Both giggling interactive books.

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