Thursday, June 21, 2012

Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen: What is...Jeopardy?

Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen
By Donna Gephart
Hardcover, 288 pages
Delacorte Press, March 2012
Robot's Rating: Read it!

Olivia Bean knows trivia. She watches Jeopardy! every night and usually beats at least one of the contestants. If she were better at geography, she would try out for the show’s kids’ week. Not only could she win bundles of money, she’d get to go to the taping in California, where her dad, who left two years ago and who Olivia misses like crazy, lives with his new family.

One day Olivia’s friend-turned-nemesis, Tucker, offers to help her bulk up her geography knowledge. Before Olivia knows it, she’s getting help from all sorts of unexpected sources: her almost-stepdad, superannoying Neil; her genius little brother, Charlie; even her stressed-out mom. Soon she has breezed through the audition rounds and is headed for Hollywood! But will the one person she wants to impress more than anyone else show up to support her? 

My review: If you like easy reading (which to me is just light reading, not too serious, not too suspenseful), then I hope you will enjoy Olivia Bean, Trivia Queen. The main character is 12 years old and super smart (except for geography). I do enjoy books about super smart kids. As a mother I enjoyed reading the book too and it reminds you to really be there and care about your kids because Olivia's dad was kind of too busy/too self-centered. And it hurts the kids. But don't worry-it wasn't really a preachy book about that. Olivia's got a good head on her shoulder and probably like most kids just want the attention of both parents.

Great book for older kids- probably ages 10+.

Content Advisory: Parent-child dysfunctions, not married couple (Olivia's mom and boyfriend) living together.

Read a little from the book below

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